Don Quijote Honolulu

Don Quijote Honolulu logo
Don Quijote Honolulu logo
Don Quijote Honolulu logo
| Grocery |
When the founder of Don Quijote was stocking inventory at the closed store. There came a customer who was apparently misled by the lights. Are you still open? Great! At that time, convenience stores were only open from seven to eleven. As reputation spread by word of mouth, the founder noticed the store getting busier with customers even in the wee hours. And so he realized There's something about overnight marketing. One of the most distinctive features of Don Quijote was inspired by one customer. Don Quijote has three pillars: "Convenience", "Discount" and most of all, "Amusement" - that makes us absolutely distinctive to other retailers. These pillars are reflected in our shelves filled with products from floor to ceiling; thus you can see their "faces". They are reflected in our eclectic lineup of products from living necessities to tasteful and fun items that create a buzz. They are reflected in the "Point of Purchase" signs describing each product. They are reflected in our jaw dropping price settings. All of these "Amusement" twists create synergy among "Convenience" and "Discount". Your genuine joy of shopping is Don Quijote's identity. We will not compromise our commitment.
Don Quijote Honolulu photo
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