Reynolds Market

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| Grocery |
On March 21, 1925, Frank Reynolds celebrated two firsts: The birth of his son Paul, and the opening of the Glendive store. Frank was a native to Dubuque, Iowa. In 1909, at the age of 22, he came to eastern Montana with his mother and large family of brothers and sisters. Under the Homestead Act, they acquired farming and ranching land. Frank never lost his love of farming, but for the additional income, he took a job at Douglas Meade Co., a general store in Glendive. He delivered groceries by horse and buggy, and then took a clerk's position at the J.M. Sawyer Grocery and before long he was managing the Sawyers' store in Terry. Two young men, Frank Reynolds and John Marman, each with only an eighth-grade education, but with strong work ethics and keen business sense, produced a company that has lasted for 86 years. "Today, as it has been for 86 years, we appreciated and thank every one of our customers," said company president Jack Reynolds. "We plan to continue doing our best to make F.T. Reynolds Co. your grocery store, where you're always welcome."
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